
Friday, April 24, 2009

Hanauma Bay

This past Monday we stepped out of our box and actually did something exciting. Since Aho was off, as was our dear friend Cameron, our two families decided to head down to Hanauma Bay. I haven't been there since I was a little kid. In fact, I still remember when you were allowed to feed the fish frozen peas (as opposed to now when you have to watch a 10 minute video about not feeding the fish and looking, but not touching). My poor deprived husband, on the other hand, has NEVER been there. Funny, since he was born and raised on Oahu but I grew up on Kauai.
I did, however, forget have beautiful it is. It was weird swimming around and having fish come right up to you. And following a turtle around for about 20 minutes isn't a usual occurance for me either. It was nice to be able to take advantage of what Hawaii has to offer. Sometimes, I forget how lucky we are. Thanks again to Cam, Lohi, and Na'u for such a fun day (and for coming prepared, unlike us, and sharing your things).

It was a little crowded, but totally worth it.

Ola hanging out before we headed into the water. He wasn't too fond of it since it was so cold, so he was opihi the whole time.

The dads took the first snorkeling shift while the moms stayed on the beach and fed the babies. Then, when they were done, we switched. Lohi and I were in the water for about half an hour. When we came back, we found this...
As I was approaching, there was a couple in front of me walking past them. The guy was just giggling and pointing and the girl said how cute they looked (I'm sure she meant the babies). When Cam woke up, he said he had heard one of the lifeguards say to another, "Ho, thats pretty krypt. Check out those guys with their kids." I guess they all had a hard day.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Trouble with a capital T

I have always wanted boys. I guess I'm a little scared of not knowing what to do if I end up with a girly girl. But honestly, until they hit a certain age, boys are to be feared much more than girls. I knew Ola was trouble the moment he smiled his first mischievous little smile. But now he's moving from Trouble. Lucky thing Trouble can be so darn LOVEABLE.

This is what happens when Trouble is left alone in is his crib to go to sleep but wants to chew on something instead. If there is sudden silence...TROUBLE!
This is what is implemented when Trouble thinks it's a funny game to crawl away from mommy and up the stairs as fast as he can. If he's been out of sight for 5 seconds...TROUBLE!
This is what Trouble looks like when he's trying to escape (without using the stairs). If Daddy is trying to sleep but someone is banging on the screen and yelling loudly...TROUBLE!

And lastly...this is what Trouble looks like when he's trying to get away with something he knows he shouldn't be doing. If something is missing and he's smiling...TROUBLE!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ola's new game

A couple years ago, before we were even married, our friend Kevin invited us to the Iolani Family Fair. It's a small fair with food, carnival games, kiddy rides, plants and produce, and a silent auction. Aho fell in love. That first year he went home with three items that he won in the silent auction. And every year since we've been sure not to miss it. This year, we both agreed that it wasn't quite as good as years prior. Aho didn't find anything he really liked at the silent auction, and because we didn't go at night when they were ending (and trying to get rid of everything for really cheap), nothing was in my chang price range. But, while we were taking a break from the heat, Ola found something he couldn't get enough of.

Getting out of the house

I have become a hermit. Partly because I shouldn't be allowed out into public, and partly because it's just easier to stay home when you have a kid who just wants to climb around on the furniture all day. But, lately I've felt like a bad mom not doing anything with my poor little son. I'm sure by now he thinks the whole world is our living room. So this week I decided to find some things to do. Granted, we only went as far as the front and back yard, but at least we did something.

We spent a whole dollar on a bubble wand from Walmart. The wind was blowing (slightly), and bubbles were a little too fast for Ola, but he just sat there watching them.
We also got a small little pool to put in the back so Ola can play water, for those many days I want to go to the beach...but it's just too far. We brought down some of his bath toys and he had a blast. In all two inches of water.

Belated Easter

Holidays can be especially hard since my family lives off island. Sometimes we get to see them, and sometimes we don't. Since we went home to Kauai the weekend before Easter, my parents didn't get to see Ola, and my mom couldn't give us our Easter baskets. Luckily, she had a layover on her trip to Boston this past Thursday, so we got to see her. We also got belated Easter baskets. We loved our goodies, but I think Ola was twice as happy. Thank you tutu and papa for the toys, books, and of coarse, food.

And even though he couldn't read it, he really enjoyed the card.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Ola is getting faster and faster. Especially at things he shouldn't be doing. Tonight while I was getting him ready for bed after his bath, I handed him the powder to hold to keep him busy. I was putting on his butt cream when I saw a puff of white. When I looked up...I saw this...

I couldn't stop laughing and had to call Aho to bring up the camera. As he put it, it's a good thing Ola is cute, cause it makes it that much harder to get mad at him. Lucky thing it was only powder.

One thing or another

We had a bit of a scare last week when we came home from Kauai. The night we came home, at about 11:45, Ola woke up with a fever of 104. He'd been warm all weekend, but at that point he was burning, and our pediatrician said to head to the ER. They didn't seem to know what was wrong, but settled for an ear infection. We were advised to use motrin and amoxycilin to cure it. My doctor didn't think it was anything worth treating, but said to go ahead, until Ola broke out in a rash two days later. When I called, he laughed at me, since there always seems to be one thing or another with this kid. Turns out, Ola has roseola. Nothing alarming, just a slight rash that will be gone in a few days on its own. But seriously, with this thing or another.

The other thing being...TWO more teeth. Ola cut one of his top teeth while we were home on Kauai, and the other one just the other day. He's now got four and is chewing on EVERYTHING!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Basket

It was nice to have Aho off today and to be able to spend Easter together. I planned to take pictures throughout the day, but that didn't quite work out. In fact I only got one, of Ola with his Easter basket, courtesy of Aunty Lohi. I was so out of it this past week, I didn't even do anything for my family for Easter. Luckily, we spent the day with the Ings, Tuiteles, and Albinos, and got to enjoy their great friendships, eat delicious food, and participate in the legendary Easter Egg Hunt. Congratulations Anthony on finally finding the golden egg. Sorry Cam and Lohi...maybe next year. ;) It'll be on like donkey kong.

Aunty Lohi, Ola (and by Ola I mean Mommy) loves the books, and the slippers, and the beanies, and food. Thank you so much for thinking of him!


Lunch with the girls at CPK. (Kyra, Me, Ola, and Jo)
So...when's the next one???

Caught in the act

While we were home on Kauai, I noticed that when Ola woke up, either from a nap or during the night, he would head straight for his monitor. Normally, his monitor is out of reach and therefore, he doesn't really notice it. But for the four days we were home, whenever he would wake up, I wouldn't hear him fuss or cry (like normal), but instead, I would hear banging. Yesterday, we put him down for his morning nap on our bed, with the monitor next to him, and when we heard banging on the monitor, we walked upstairs to find this.

Yep, caught red handed trying to destroy his monitor.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Joint family vaca

It is a rare occasion when Aho gets weekends off. It actually only comes around every 2 or 3 months. Luckily, he and Cam are on pretty similar schedules which means that they both came up on their three day weekend schedules at the same time. So, we finally made our trip home to Kauai...all six of us. Me, Aho, Ola, Cam, Lohi, and Na'u. It was somewhat disappointing since it was overcast and raining most of the time we were home, but it was still nice to get away.

My two boys at the Waimea Canyon Lookout. I would've used a better picture of the canyon, but those shots had two grumpy faces in them.

Apparently we don't feed Ola enough. He was scrounging for food in Puna's dog dish.

It only took a few days at home, but Ola overcame his fear of grass. (This was taken the first day)
Ola's fearless companion, Na'ulei, totally wanted to jump into the fish pond and play with the water fountain.

Thank you Tuiteles for the company and all the fun! Can't wait to do Moloka'i this summer!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fool's Holiday

I got this in my e-mail and thought it was awesome.

In Florida, an atheist created a case against the upcoming Easter and Passover holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against the Christians and Jews and the observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days. The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring, "Case dismissed!"

The lawyer immediately stood, objecting to the ruling, saying, "Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas and Easter. The Jews have Passover and Hanukkah. Yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays."

The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant."

The lawyer said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists."

The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fools Day. Psalms 14:1 states, "The fool says i his heart, there is no God." Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his day. Court is adjourned."

You've gotta love a Judge that knows his scripture!!

(I know this is fake, but I still love it. Wouldn't that be hilarious to witness?)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Not just another Wednesday

This morning we were up bright and early. Lately, every morning has been bright and early. But that means that Ola is down for a nap by about 8:30 or 9. This morning he was alseep by the time Aho came home, so we left him downstairs to nap. Ola has a habbit of not turning his head to the side when he rolls onto his tummy mid-sleep. He ends up sleeping with his face straight down on top of the back of both of his hands. If you don't understand, just see the picture. When I went down to get him up to leave, he was just waking up. He rolled over and this is what he looked like. Today was supposed to mark the start of our ward Young Women's camp. However, due to unstable weather conditions, we decided to postpone. Instead, we just met at the chapel and did some certification activities with our beehives.
While the girls and leaders worked on first aid training, the kids played. Ola got all the attention from Asia and Ender who made sure he had his teething toy (my grandma's spatula) and wiped his drool away when it got out of hand (Asia would say Ewww each time he would spit).

After our training we had lunch and relaxed. The Horitas brought down a little push car and the three kids took turns being pushed around by Josh. Ola LOVED it. I'm seriously thinking we need one of these for when we go and get the mail every afternoon. Or we could always just drive around in the parking lot during the day when its empty. You know, since we have so much to do.

Fish Lips

Half boy, half fish, half high pitched girl. I don't know how he turned out so strange. Must be from his Daddy.