
Friday, November 7, 2008


On Monday, Nov. 3, Ola finally hit his 3 month mark. I shouldn't say finally. There are times when I can't believe how fast time is flying, and other times when I feel like he's been mine forever...but is only now 3 months old. But we once again took pictures in his 12 month outfit. He's filling it out a little better, but still has a bunch of room.
He wasn't so pleased with me for putting him in different outfits for pictures, and was much happier to just be naked in his diaper.
Later in the day, Cam, Lohi, and Na'ulei came by. Seeing the two of them next to each other is so funny. It's our own version of ebony and ivory.

Na'u decided she wanted to step on Ola. I don't think it helped that the three adults in the room just laughed. Luckily, Aunty Lohi saved Ola's pretty head.

But really, all she wanted to do was honi him. These two are just too cute together.

Thanks for the visit guys!!!


Cam and Lohi said...

thanks for visiting us today. its so much fun to look at other peoples faces other than eachothers all day everyday. well, i like looking at cameron but you know what i mean :). that pick with me blocking na'u's foot is classic. too funny!

Laurabee said...

Holey Moley... he's going to fill out that onesie in no-time!!! I wish I would get more visitors... actually... no I don't. lol.