
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wonderful and Terrible...all in the same day.

Yesterday, I was super duper excited. When we got home (we spent the afternoon at the beach), the UPS guy came to drop off a package. I knew exactly what it was. I asked Aho for something very special. So special, in fact, that it is my mother's day, birthday, anniversary, and probably Christmas present for this whole year (it was kind of expensive, but this month my friends were running almost a two for one deal so I got double what I would have later). But that's ok, cause it's that special. I ordered a bunch of natural oils that you can use at home to help with illness without using drugs. My sister-in-law got me into it, and I think it's great. Oils are great because...

1. They're all natural. They include things like basil, oregano, and lavender, things that won't harm you.

2. You don't have to worry about overdose. Unlike Tylenol, I don't have to worry about giving Ola too much. You just need a drop or two, but more won't hurt.

3. You don't have to monitor the time. When Ola got sick last time, I had to write down when we gave him medicine so I wouldn't give him another dose too soon. Not so with oils. If he starts showing symptoms again, you don't have to wait.

4. I can treat ALL kinds of things. At his age, and with me too since I'm still nursing, Ola can't take too many things. In fact, he can pretty much just have Tylenol. With the oils, I can treat almost anything. Fever, ear infection, nasal congestion, basic cold symptoms...all kinds of stuff.

5. And most important, with swine flu going around, I can use the oils to boost his immune system. Two basic oils, oregano and on-guard (a blend), can help boost any one's immune system so that you're less likely to get sick when other people are.

So as you can see...I am SUPER excited. I LOVE these oils. In fact, I was so excited, I wanted to take a picture of my new oil kit. And that is when wonderful turned to terrible. I turned on my camera to take a picture of my new oil kit and all I saw was black and purple and squiggly lines. NOOOOOOO! My camera!! NOOOOOO!! And if that weren't enough, now it won't even turn on. I was having such a great day and then it all went down the drain. I don't know how long I can last without a functioning camera. Now I have to see if I get Aho to spend more money and fix my camera. Wish me luck.

P.S. If you're interested in checking out the oils I'm talking about (since they're so cool), you can look at my site,


Cam and Lohi said...

join the broken camera club. still so mad that i broke ours on kauai, errrrrrr! i've been trying to get cam to get us a new one since na'u is getting bigger by the day and pretty soon i won't even have my pregnant belly (haven't taken any pictures of it). I NEED A CAMERA!!!

Cam and Lohi said...

oh yah....the oils sounds cool. i think na'u needs a immune system boost.

Cam and Lohi said...


Okay, first of all, the camera thing, I don't know....someone must have cursed us cause I can't believe your camera, AND TWO of our cameras broke all at around the same time. So, that sucks.

And second of all, the oil thing sounds good. Now I can come over and you can get all the knots out of my back using the oils. I remember going to Aunty Rhoda's house and always getting massaged. Her house smelt like one BIG essential oil. Aho, be prepared for the same!

And third, Lohi...this is not Jamba Juice! No such thing as immunity boosters!