Life in our family is...crazy. But, who wants boring anyway? With one crazy little dare-devil toddler, one very rambunctious puppy, and one busy little new born, there is rarely a quite moment in our house. Luckily, I found just a few minutes, which means I get to throw up a few pictures to summarize the chaos. ;)
(And a picture of me taking a breather amongst my monsters)
(And a picture of me taking a breather amongst my monsters)
Kupa'a is our little cruiser. It's not uncommon to see him passed out, head back...and almost always with a smile on his face. ;)
His piko finally fell off yesterday, just over two weeks, and he finally got a real bath. Just like his brother, he LOVED it! In fact, looking at the pictures, it might have been hard to tell them apart...except for all the dark hair.

Mostly though, our boys are very different. Ola can't stand have a blanket even touching him, and Kupa'a absolutely loves being swaddled.

Today at church Aho did Kupa'a's baby blessing, and it was absolutely beautiful! He's such a great daddy. Now, if only I could get him to smile in the pictures. ;)
Our other little man is crazy as can be. He is so funny and he definitely keeps me smiling!
A while ago he got a happy meal where the box became some kind of hat. Now, he thinks all boxes are meant to be hats. What a clown!
Ola has also found the fun in what he calls "BDD's". He's always asking to put them on, and recently picked out some "choo choo BDD's". He was more than happy to put them on and smile for the camera. I wish he was happy enough to use the potty too.
And...I didn't catch a picture, but I still had to include our latest drama with our oldest. Yesterday, while Ola was playing with my brother and his girlfriend, he started crying and saying he had a "boo boo". Now Ola is definitely my rough and tumble one and, normally, when he gets hurt, he wants you to kiss it and then he's done. In fact, I've never seen him cry for more than 20 seconds. But yesterday he was definitely crying. Even when he finally quieted down, he continued to hold his left hand and complain of a "boo boo". Knowing that my baby doesn't cry, I knew something was wrong and we had to get it checked out.
We ended up taking him to the ER where he continued to cry and complain. Because they weren't sure what was wrong, we had to get X-Rays done before they could do anything (Note to any X-Ray techs out there: I know it's your job, but it's really mean of you to ask a mother to hold down her screaming child's arm. I might be tough in most respects, but that is just more than one mom can handle). Luckily, Aho was with me and helped to hold our little man during the X-Rays. It's amazing how strong he is for such a little body. Aho said this morning that he looked like he was turning into the Hulk trying to get off the x-ray table.
Luckily, the X-rays ended up showing no broken bones, so the doctors went along with their first instinct of it being a nurse maid's elbow and proceeded to pop it back into place. Ola screamed while they did it, which was so hard to bear. Once it was back in, the doctors said it might take about an hour for him to start using it again, so they'd give us some time. Literally 15 seconds after they walked out, he stopped crying and started pointing around the room, with his left hand, asking me about all the things in the room. When the doctor came back with a popsicle, he reached right out and took it, like nothing at all had happened. The doc was a little surprised, but happy they had fixed the problem, and let us go home right away.
I was so happy it wasn't anything more serious, but I honestly hope we don't have any more accidents for a while. Ola might be tough, but Mommy is a total wimp when it comes to her babies being in pain. ;)
Our house is definitely crazy, but...who wants boring anyway?
Mostly though, our boys are very different. Ola can't stand have a blanket even touching him, and Kupa'a absolutely loves being swaddled.
Today at church Aho did Kupa'a's baby blessing, and it was absolutely beautiful! He's such a great daddy. Now, if only I could get him to smile in the pictures. ;)
Our other little man is crazy as can be. He is so funny and he definitely keeps me smiling!
A while ago he got a happy meal where the box became some kind of hat. Now, he thinks all boxes are meant to be hats. What a clown!
Ola has also found the fun in what he calls "BDD's". He's always asking to put them on, and recently picked out some "choo choo BDD's". He was more than happy to put them on and smile for the camera. I wish he was happy enough to use the potty too.
And...I didn't catch a picture, but I still had to include our latest drama with our oldest. Yesterday, while Ola was playing with my brother and his girlfriend, he started crying and saying he had a "boo boo". Now Ola is definitely my rough and tumble one and, normally, when he gets hurt, he wants you to kiss it and then he's done. In fact, I've never seen him cry for more than 20 seconds. But yesterday he was definitely crying. Even when he finally quieted down, he continued to hold his left hand and complain of a "boo boo". Knowing that my baby doesn't cry, I knew something was wrong and we had to get it checked out.
We ended up taking him to the ER where he continued to cry and complain. Because they weren't sure what was wrong, we had to get X-Rays done before they could do anything (Note to any X-Ray techs out there: I know it's your job, but it's really mean of you to ask a mother to hold down her screaming child's arm. I might be tough in most respects, but that is just more than one mom can handle). Luckily, Aho was with me and helped to hold our little man during the X-Rays. It's amazing how strong he is for such a little body. Aho said this morning that he looked like he was turning into the Hulk trying to get off the x-ray table.
Luckily, the X-rays ended up showing no broken bones, so the doctors went along with their first instinct of it being a nurse maid's elbow and proceeded to pop it back into place. Ola screamed while they did it, which was so hard to bear. Once it was back in, the doctors said it might take about an hour for him to start using it again, so they'd give us some time. Literally 15 seconds after they walked out, he stopped crying and started pointing around the room, with his left hand, asking me about all the things in the room. When the doctor came back with a popsicle, he reached right out and took it, like nothing at all had happened. The doc was a little surprised, but happy they had fixed the problem, and let us go home right away.
I was so happy it wasn't anything more serious, but I honestly hope we don't have any more accidents for a while. Ola might be tough, but Mommy is a total wimp when it comes to her babies being in pain. ;)
Our house is definitely crazy, but...who wants boring anyway?
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