
Sunday, July 26, 2009

My little rocker!!

I've always thought that little boys with little mohawks are so adorable. Granted, I hope that he doesn't do this when he's older, but I thought it would be fun to try out a mohawk with what little hair Ola has. He was playing in the back of the truck one afternoon, so I grabbed some mousse to see how it would look. There wasn't much to work with, but I thought my little rocker looked pretty hard core.

Ward Camp

Every year, usually 4th of July weekend, our ward goes camping at Bellows AFB. A week of swimming, eating, laughing, card playing, and paintball. Aho and I have never camped the whole week due to school and work. This year I actually could have camped. But the thought of camping by myself for a week with a child who still wakes up crying 4-6 times a night was not something I wanted to do. So, instead, I vowed that we would camp next year and just went out a couple days during the week. After spending a couple of hours there the first day, it was actually really hard to come home. I had forgotten how much fun it was to be at camp.
Ola had a blast too. He swam every day that we went out and loved be tossed up above the waves. Everyone in the water took turns with him and he had so much fun. In fact, we only got out of the water when the waves were too big for his short little mommy to hold him up. When we got out, we'd rinse off, change, and Ola would run around under the tents. He always seemed to find the light sabers the other kids left out.
Our friend Josh, who acted as super dad and camped with his three older children, was putting his kids down for a nap and thought he'd try Ola too. His kids were actually trying to fall asleep. And luck! He couldn't miss anything. But he fell asleep in the car on the way home every day, usually, before we even his the first guard shack.
I'm excited to take Ola camping next year and am hopeful that he will do good. I'll probably be pregnant again, but if I could camp last year at 8 months, I can do it again next year. Hopefully Ola will have learned how to sleep by then. ;)

Brush those chompers

Once Ola cut his 4th tooth (he's now up to 7), we decided that we needed to start brushing his teeth, with a toothbrush, regularly. So every night after he nurses, and before he goes down for story time, we head to the bathroom to brush. He gets so excited. Not for the brushing part though. That part can be quite a struggle. But, once I'm done brushing his teeth, I tell him it's time for Ola to brush, at which point, he takes his toothbrush...and chews on the bottom end. Oh well. I guess that's all I can ask for.