
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Around our house...

So I've realized that now a days, blogging is more about just sharing quick pictures than actually blogging about events. Our family life is so crazy, that all I can hope for is a few quick snapshots and the ability to remember what was going on. So, in a nutshell, this is what's going on in our house...

Oh our Waiola...where to start...

Apparently, since he turned two, Ola thinks he's all big boy. Got out of the shower with Daddy the other day and just HAD to put on deodorant.
Then again, sometimes he still wants to be the baby. He always wants to put on Kupa'a's socks. But when they would only fit on his hands...well, he learned how to deal with it. Crazy Boy!!!

We took a family excursion the other day to our newest store, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, where daddy couldn't help but buy embroidered towels for the boys. And Ola couldn't help but pose with his W towel.

Aho and I FINALLY finished his new play table for his trains and set it up in his play area. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it wasn't bad. And...he was definitely content.

Kupa'a is still amazing us with how fabulous and sweet and happy he is. He has started cooing and laughing a lot lately, especially when he knows it's bath time.

He is still quite a cruiser and loves sleeping with his daddy
He's gotten a little bit chunkier even though he's been a little sick and not tanking it like normal.

And his brother has finally decided to share HIS toy with him, a glow worm he got from Uncle Kevin and Aunty Tara. They both think it's pretty awesome.

And of course, can't forget the happy Daddy with his two boys. He always wanted a girl, but he definitely wouldn't trade these two.

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