
Monday, February 16, 2009

changes, changes

Talk about milestones. This week, Ola is just racking them up. This morning, he was chewing on my finger (a very normal thing for the past 3 months), when I noticed something sharp. Normally, the sharp sensation is due to him biting really really hard on a nerve or vein in my finger, but since he was actually biting "nicely", I decided to check it out. And there, on his lower gum, barely visible, was the tiny little edge of his first tooth. It wasn't even big enough to get a picture of, but it finally broke the surface. It's exciting, but sad. Aho and I were just saying the other day that we're going to miss his gummy smile when his teeth do come in. I guess I better enjoy the little time I have left with his toothless grin.

1 comment:

Pomai said...

oh how i miss caisens gummy smiles! they are the cutest ever! once they have teeth they are going to have em forever...its almost like they grow up 5 years sooner:( take as many gummy smile pics as you can!!!