
Sunday, March 29, 2009

New adventures

I've noticed that I've been really slow and lax about posting things about Ola's development. Normally, our posts are just about what we did or where we went, or just pictures that I think are too cute to keep to myself. But in the past two weeks, Ola has been growing so much and trying so many new things, I figure I better get it down before I forget.

Probably the most noticeable difference is his new found mobility. Before he fully learned how to crawl (the correct way), he fell in love with standing. He can pull himself up on almost anything, from the couch, to the laundry basket, to our dinning chairs. Things used to be safe on the couch, but not anymore.

He has also discovered that there are other areas of the house than the living room. He has become pretty quick at joining me in the kitchen, even if the floor is a little colder than the carpet.

And, he has found out that stairs are for climbing. The first two days that he tried, it seemed like he was just a bit too short to get his leg up to that first stair. But the third try was the charm, and now we can't stop him. Guess it's time we invest in baby gates.

Aside from mobile adventures, Ola is also exploring the new and exciting world of finger foods. We started off with the puff stars, but have begun branching out. He's tried grapes, watermelon, kiwi, and teething cookies (which were the messiest by far). He loves feeding himself, although he's not quite fond of the cold squishy texture when he tries to pick up his fruits. And I think the kiwi was a little tangy for him. But tomorrow we're trying blueberries, so we'll see how that goes.

He's also started sleeping a little better (on and off), which is fabulous for me. Some nights he's done great, with stretches up to 5 hours long. In fact, he set a record this past tuesday of only waking up ONCE throughout the whole night. I, on the other hand, woke up two additional times, freaking out and thinking something was wrong. I guess I need to get used to sleeping longer too. He's begun saying BABABABA really loudly, while mommy tries to encourage DADADADA and daddy tries to encourage MAMAMAMA.

I just can't believe how fast this kid is growing. It's so neat to see all the things that he can do, or is trying to do, by himself. Some things he just picks up so fast others are a little more trial and error. But it's amazing to see how fast and how hard his little brain works when he really wants to figure something out. I guess you could say he's not as DOPEY as he looks. =)

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