
Monday, April 20, 2009

Ola's new game

A couple years ago, before we were even married, our friend Kevin invited us to the Iolani Family Fair. It's a small fair with food, carnival games, kiddy rides, plants and produce, and a silent auction. Aho fell in love. That first year he went home with three items that he won in the silent auction. And every year since we've been sure not to miss it. This year, we both agreed that it wasn't quite as good as years prior. Aho didn't find anything he really liked at the silent auction, and because we didn't go at night when they were ending (and trying to get rid of everything for really cheap), nothing was in my chang price range. But, while we were taking a break from the heat, Ola found something he couldn't get enough of.


Laurabee said...

I LOVE HIS LAUGH!!! Can I play too?

Sherene said...

His laugh is contagious... so adorable!

Pomai said...

omg that is the cutest video ever!!! i LOVE his little laugh and smile!