
Friday, May 15, 2009

Well I think he's cute...

A classmate of mine from highschool heard on the radio that they were holding a Hawaii's Cutest Baby Contest at the upcoming New Baby Expo. So, she looked online, found the site, and e-mailed me the info saying I had to enter. And so, to make Aunty Kyra happy, I submitted a picture I had on file that I thought was pretty cute. The rules said a panel would decide the finalist and then they would have to compete for audience applause at the expo. Well, wednesday we got a call that Ola is a finalist. I don't know how many finalists there are, but I'm pretty excited. I'm just hoping people applaude for him. I mean, I think he's cute, but it's not up to me.

This is the picture I submitted for his entry.

Thanks again Aunty Kyra for all your love. You totally get points.

1 comment:

M & S said...

He is pretty cute, his cuteness deserves an award. ;)